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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Letter sent to the Derry News today

Either Derry/Londonderry has become Massachusetts-North, the Derry News favors letters from liberal voters and/or conservatives just don’t write letters to the editor. I think all three have a semblance of truth. I am frustrated and honestly disheartened by routinely reading letters to the editor that are full of complete naiveté and downright ignorance.

First let’s start with Barak Obama. This man is truly a gifted orator and he may have wonderfully destructive programs to allow the government to take over everything, but his foreign policy actually makes the 1992 Bill Clinton look like Henry Kissinger. I am continually frightened by the fact that liberal candidates and their voters refuse to acknowledge that this is a dangerous world and there are people out there right now that want America to be a pile of dust – literally.

The only focus of the Democrat voters seems to be universal government-controlled health care for all, as if health care is not available to some people. Did you know there is a law that requires emergency rooms not to turn anyone away? Why do you think hospitals in the southwest are closing? Even illegal aliens know this. The problem with the medical system today is the result of decades of removing market forces from the equation. Since the advent of the third party payer (insurance companies and medicaid) the prices of health care have skyrocketed because the customers are not paying the real full price. Having the government take over health care – as all the Democrat candidates have promised – will be like having a humungous insurance company in control but one with no accountability (you can’t sue the government). Honestly it is government laws and regulations intended to help people that have driven up the costs of health care. Oh and we can’t leave out the trial lawyers (Hi John Edwards) whose frivolous law suits of our doctors has required them to take out millions of dollars in insurance just to protect themselves. But these insurance costs actually kill many medical practices, especially OB-GYNs. I will give an example. Years back I heard of a medication that was given to cows which cost about $15. However if a similar shot was given to humans it would be $3000. When asked why, the response was “cows don’t sue”.

Anyone who believes in Barack or Hillary’s class-envy tax the rich to pay for everything plan either has no understanding market economics or is blindly partisan. The fact remains that we are currently in a roaring economy though widely unreported by the liberal media. This is precisely because of the tax cuts for everyone pushed by Bush. I know many people don’t like tax cuts for the rich but let’s face it. The rich have the money, folks. When wealthy private citizens can keep more of their money then they can invest their money into private endeavors thus creating real jobs and creating real wealth. Government confiscation of money does not create wealth. So what if the rich like to buy expensive cars and homes. This demand gave work to a middle class auto worker and a middle class construction worker. Would it be better for Hillary to take the rich person’s money to then give it to people who don’t work just so she could look like a hero? Anyone who believes that money belongs in the hands of government over private individuals has bought hook, line and sinker that a benevolence government can do better with our money than we can. I don’t believe this.

As for the war, all of the democrat candidates and voters who believe that the only solution for peace is to get out of Iraq now frighten me the most. The conversion of Iraq from a dictatorship to a democracy takes lots of time and many of our bravest Americans have given their lives in this cause. If we stay the course then we will prevail. Iraq will become a democracy and the region will be stabilized. However if we pull out now, Iraq (or even the UN) are not strong enough to protect the vacuum that will be filled by Iran (Russia by proxy) and the genocide that will ensue. If this happens then our servicemen and women will have died in vain and you will not want to see how high gas prices will go with Iran and Russia in charge of Iraq’s oil supply, not to mention how emboldened our enemies will become. This scenario is too frightening to imagine.

One last comment I would like to make is concerning Londonderry’s most high profile liberal. I have taken my family to Mack’s apples for apple picking every September for several years. However I have had enough of Andy’s signs and the repeated idiocies that I read from him. I did a Google search and there are plenty of apple orchards in this great state. My family will be taking a longer trip from now on to pick apples because I can no longer patronize this local embarrassment.

I hope this letter will counter the overabundance of ignorance and partisan campaign speeches I read in this section every week.

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