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Monday, April 9, 2007

Main-stream media actually does their favorite party a disservice

You know how it goes; The parents favor Johnny and hold him to no standard while Billy has a high standard and it not allowed to fail. When Johnny and Billy grow up, Johnny is a ne'er do well and Billy is an upstanding and hardworking citizen.

I have observed in my lifetime that there is a pattern with the media that is progressively getting worse. It is a fact that 90% or more of the press are democrats and the the people at the top of the news organizations are liberal zealots. This creates a double standard where the Democrats can definately get away with normal human failures and the press even does what it can to make excuses for bad behavior by the Dems. However when the Republicans to the same things they are run out of town on a rail. It is to the point where the suspicion of a Republican doing something is enough to destroy them but some Democrats can commit felonies and the main-stream press will work hard to make excuses for them.

This double standard, I believe, has actually hurt the Democrats in the long run. For the most part only the most upstanding Republicans even get into the race because there is such a high standard for them. While at the same time Democrats are attracting moral reprobates for the most part because there is practically no standard with the press for the Dems.

Luckily the American people have different standard than the press. For those who seek their news outside of the NYTIMES, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, et al, there is a clearer view of the non-liberal side. The american people tend to know a moral reprobate when they see one and they know when they see a good person with normal flaws. There are still times when a relentless pounding by the press takes its toll on those the press does not favor but more often than not the american people see through it.

God Bless America

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