There is a phenomena that I have observed in our American Society today that is evolving and should be acknowledged. Black and white Americans have more in common than many of us think.
There are two major cultural ties that we share and one more that is bringing us closer every generation. The two major ones are Religion and Language. The majority of Blacks and Whites are Christian and predominantly protestant. Nearly all blacks and whites speak English and don't speak a second language. The third one which is not as obvious is pop-culture.
The fact is the majority of blacks and whites are Christians. Each also values the faith in Christ that they share. I have been to Christian events, like Promise Keepers, where black and white people are drawn close by the sharing of their faith. Islam and Christianity are not the same. Islam in its extreme is quite hostile to Christianity. In the 21st century these two religions are in a battle for superiority. This puts the majority of blacks and whites on the same team.
The majority of blacks and whites in America speak English and only English. In the last 40 years and more so throughout the the 21st century, Spanish speaking peoples from south of the US border are coming to this country and refusing to assimilate. Part of this refusal is not giving up their language for the English language. Language differences are even more balkanizing than religion because of the difficulties of communication. This again puts black and white Americans on the same team. Have you noted that tensions between Hispanics and Blacks seems to be on the rise, especially in southern California? Violence seems to be provoked by the Hispanics who see blacks at their only threat to taking over as the country's largest minority and all the benefits that come with that title. I would suspect in their heart of hearts that white Americans are quietly siding with their black, English speaking brethren.
Pop culture
There was time one hundred years ago when English and Italian Americans were clearly distinguishable but today you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't consider them both white. Although blacks and white may never have the same skin pigmentation, their friendships and the lines of distinction are fading with each generation.
TV and movies have shown black and white Americans as allies and friends for 30+ years now and it is pretty much ingrained in the minds of our youth that it is the natural order of things for blacks and whites to be friends. George Jefferson had white friends back in the 70's. Raven (of That's So Raven) has a best friend who is white. How about the fact that the largest demographic that listens to and enjoys black rap music is young whites...?
Look at commercials and you will find blacks and whites enjoying the same products, foods, etc. It is everywhere now and the taboos all by "last generation". You will also find that Black/White interracial marriages are far more prevalent today than ever.
I could go on and the evidence is always mounting that in the 21st century black and white Americans need each other more than ever but the first step is to look at those ties that bind us and not focus on our differences.
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