But then the parents and grandparents, who live through it, die and so goes the first hand account. It's a first hand account of how the days were long and people in the coffee shop thought it was end of the world. Future generations have the luxury of knowing it was not the end of the world, instead they are convinced that what they are facing is the end of the world.
We have the luxury today of having hours of film and reams of newspapers from WWII, not to mention that many from that generation are still alive to relay what it was like. Again, though, the greatest generation is dying away as naturally would be the case. Have we learned from their lessons?
I'd say it is doubtful. In WWII, the US fought and defeated a fascist (Mussolini), a national socialist (Hitler) and an imperialist (Japan). It was not easy but the love of America and its freedoms prevailed.
Today we are about to elect our first unabashed Marxist to lead our nation. Why? Because most voters are uninformed and they believe that Bush caused the current economic problems. However the truth is Barack and his ilk in congress protected the cancer that was Fannie and Freddy. When Fannie and Freddie collapsed, it affected everything. The fact that Bush tried to stop it and the Dems wouldn't let him doesn't matter. The fact that the Bush tax cuts helped strengthen our economy in spite of the Dems doesn't matter.
What is the lesson today? If a republican is in the Oval Office, the Dems can destroy the economy and be rewarded by the voters by winning in a landslide.
Hello high taxes. Hello 20 million immigrants from 3rd world countries. Hello 'Fairness Doctrine' to stifle opposing opinion. Goodbye America, the greatest idea in the history of human civilization. :-(
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