Remember that ditty by the Eagles. Well... I decided to modify it because I am feeling uneasy right now. China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba all seem to be on the same page right now. They are feeling empowered and unchallenged as they begin to set up strategic alliances and positions in the western hemisphere. Iran is finalizing its first nuclear weapon and is salivating about "wiping Israel off the map". Russia has a new friend in Venezuela. The ingrates of Iraq are burning effigies of President Bush as the lame duck U.S. administration wants to continue to be polite to the incoming administration, who really couldn't care much less about foreign affairs
The incoming administration is, itself, salivating over the collapse of the American economy so they can make a complete power grab once inaugurated. Since Obama is such a charismatic speaker and the American public is so apathetic, Obama plans to easily have the government take over our private health care system, automobile industry, banking industry and whatever else he will be allowed to grab. When all is said and done, the leftists, taking over in January, will attempt to own as much of the private economy as the awestruck and ignorant majority will allow.
It appears that people are now accepting the fact that government will do make things right, not because there is evidence to support that (there is actually reams of evidence to support the opposite) but because they believe that the private sector failed. Nowhere is the understanding that the government (hello Fannie and Freddie) getting its non-market force hands into the private sector actually was the catalyst to the current malaise.
So two forces are at work here. The evil nations of the the world are feeling emboldened to flex their muscles in America's backyard and the incoming Obama administration is looking forward to a government power grab of the economy under the guise of saving it.
I am getting that uneasy feeling.
So where is the peace? Don't those on the left worship the concept of peace? Well, their peace requires one to put their head in the sand and make pretend there are no bad people. I am talking a different peace. Is it pie-in-the-sky to believe that a higher power is at work here and has a plan? I am not a scholar of biblical prophecy but I can't shake the thought that the Good Book has already predicted the times we may be entering. I also find that during difficult times, we tend to turn to the spiritual. Thus the best answer for that is turning to the Prince of Peace.
Turn to Him and let that peaceful feeling rule your uneasy feeling.