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Friday, November 21, 2008

I Get A Peaceful, Uneasy Feeling...

Remember that ditty by the Eagles. Well... I decided to modify it because I am feeling uneasy right now. China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba all seem to be on the same page right now. They are feeling empowered and unchallenged as they begin to set up strategic alliances and positions in the western hemisphere. Iran is finalizing its first nuclear weapon and is salivating about "wiping Israel off the map". Russia has a new friend in Venezuela. The ingrates of Iraq are burning effigies of President Bush as the lame duck U.S. administration wants to continue to be polite to the incoming administration, who really couldn't care much less about foreign affairs

The incoming administration is, itself, salivating over the collapse of the American economy so they can make a complete power grab once inaugurated. Since Obama is such a charismatic speaker and the American public is so apathetic, Obama plans to easily have the government take over our private health care system, automobile industry, banking industry and whatever else he will be allowed to grab. When all is said and done, the leftists, taking over in January, will attempt to own as much of the private economy as the awestruck and ignorant majority will allow.

It appears that people are now accepting the fact that government will do make things right, not because there is evidence to support that (there is actually reams of evidence to support the opposite) but because they believe that the private sector failed. Nowhere is the understanding that the government (hello Fannie and Freddie) getting its non-market force hands into the private sector actually was the catalyst to the current malaise.

So two forces are at work here. The evil nations of the the world are feeling emboldened to flex their muscles in America's backyard and the incoming Obama administration is looking forward to a government power grab of the economy under the guise of saving it.

I am getting that uneasy feeling.

So where is the peace? Don't those on the left worship the concept of peace? Well, their peace requires one to put their head in the sand and make pretend there are no bad people. I am talking a different peace. Is it pie-in-the-sky to believe that a higher power is at work here and has a plan? I am not a scholar of biblical prophecy but I can't shake the thought that the Good Book has already predicted the times we may be entering. I also find that during difficult times, we tend to turn to the spiritual. Thus the best answer for that is turning to the Prince of Peace.

Turn to Him and let that peaceful feeling rule your uneasy feeling.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shame on New Hampshire

Shame on you New Hampshire. Once a red beacon of freedom loving light in a sea of blue, big government-loving darkness, the granite state has sought to be like it derelict neighbors. Remember the NH advantage? Well it appears NH no longer thinks it fair that we are head and shoulders above the rest of the New England states or maybe they just forgot why have been.

NH has an advantage because we didn't vote for big government. MA, VT, RE, ME all do. Apparently NH voters now believe it is better if we become like Massachusetts - you know, the corrupt, over-taxed, one-party state to our south?

The biggest tragedy occurred in NH's 2008 Senate Race. John Sununu is the only Engineer in the US Senate is from NH. He is a brilliant and honest man. Unfortunately for voters it doesn't matter what good you've accomplished. If they believe the economy is bad, they throw out members of the senate who are in the same party as the president, even if the Sununu and Bush didn't cause this financial mess.

As a matter of fact Sununu is on the banking committee in the Senate. He sponsored legislation more than once to reign in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. All the Republicans on the banking committee voted for it and all the Democrats voted against it. Chuck Schumer and Chris Dodd would not let it go to the floor of the Senate. As we all know, Fannie and Freddie's sub prime loans practice was the catalyst to the collapse of the banking industry.

So I ask, why would someone who tried to stop the collapse get voted out and replaced with someone who would have voted for the continued practices of Fannie and Freddie? Do you really think Jeanne Shaheen would write legislation to regulate the Democrat's piggy bank? I don't think so.

So I say shame on you New Hampshire for voting out someone who tried to do the right thing only to replace him with a rubber stamp of those who really caused the economic mess.

Hello end of the greatest idea in human history

The grim reality is history fades, people die and new people repeat history. Only those who live through an historic event and its uncertainty will understand that time period in a way that they will not want to repeat it. However, their children and grandchildren will only read about or hear about it from parents and grandparents.

But then the parents and grandparents, who live through it, die and so goes the first hand account. It's a first hand account of how the days were long and people in the coffee shop thought it was end of the world. Future generations have the luxury of knowing it was not the end of the world, instead they are convinced that what they are facing is the end of the world.

We have the luxury today of having hours of film and reams of newspapers from WWII, not to mention that many from that generation are still alive to relay what it was like. Again, though, the greatest generation is dying away as naturally would be the case. Have we learned from their lessons?

I'd say it is doubtful. In WWII, the US fought and defeated a fascist (Mussolini), a national socialist (Hitler) and an imperialist (Japan). It was not easy but the love of America and its freedoms prevailed.

Today we are about to elect our first unabashed Marxist to lead our nation. Why? Because most voters are uninformed and they believe that Bush caused the current economic problems. However the truth is Barack and his ilk in congress protected the cancer that was Fannie and Freddy. When Fannie and Freddie collapsed, it affected everything. The fact that Bush tried to stop it and the Dems wouldn't let him doesn't matter. The fact that the Bush tax cuts helped strengthen our economy in spite of the Dems doesn't matter.

What is the lesson today? If a republican is in the Oval Office, the Dems can destroy the economy and be rewarded by the voters by winning in a landslide.

Hello high taxes. Hello 20 million immigrants from 3rd world countries. Hello 'Fairness Doctrine' to stifle opposing opinion. Goodbye America, the greatest idea in the history of human civilization. :-(

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Power of the Great Uninformed

All voters fall somewhere along a spectrum.

Informed conservative - listen to talk radio and read the news regularly. They are well informed and tend to vote conservative. They vote for Republicans typically.

Informed liberal - they read the New York Times and watch the network news. They read the internet and listen to some talk radio. They know conservatives are right but they love centralized power so they will usually vote for the most liberal Democrat.

Now it gets more gray:

Minimally informed conservative - They tend to have been raised in a conservative Republican home. They don't keep up with the news but they have a sixth sense about what is right. They usually vote Republican.

Minimally informed liberal - they watch the network news. They pride themselves on being open minded. They tend to have been raised in a liberal Democrat family. They know when they vote Democrat that it doesn't feel right but they tend to do it anyway.

Now here is where the power resides:
The Great Uninformed - They know very little about any of the issues and like it that way. In every presidential election they are generally uninformed on the cantidates. They base their vote on how they feel about the economy and how the two candidates make them feel. It is usually not based on anything concrete but the are adament about who they are voting for. They recycle talking points when they are asked why they are voting for x or y. This group will vote Democrat or Republican. It all depends on how they currently feel.