What would you think if a travelling salesman came to your door to talk about a *name brand* product? However, you know that his version of the name brand product really diminishes its value. You would wonder why those who actually believed in said *name brand* product would have the audacity to be here selling it, right?
The other night my doorbell rang. I answered and there were two well dressed young men. The first comment from them was "we would like to talk to you about Jesus". Sadly the first thought in my mind was "this can't be evangelical or catholic types. It must a Jehovah's Witness". However when I asked what religion they represented he was reluctant but said sheepishly "Latter Day Saints..."
Aah the Mormons.
I quickly told him that we were practicing Christians and deeply rooted in our faith and would not be interested in talking. I could tell they wanted to still talk but I really had to go, so the conversation quickly ended.
Afterward I got thinking about these nice gentlemen. They are Mormons. The first thing they told me was they wanted to talk about Jesus. I knew they didn't believe in the Deity of Jesus but I wanted to know more so I then did some research on what do Mormons think about Jesus. In World Religions Made Easy I read "Mormons teach that Jesus Christ is our elder brother and that he, himself, progressed to godhood. Mormons teach that Jesus Christ was born as a result of God the Father having sexual intercourse with Mary." "The Book of Mormon teaches that the Holy Spirit is a spirit in the form of a man."
That to me sounds like a sad marginalization of Jesus. On the contrary, we, as evangelical Christians, believe that Christ was the son of God, Himself. He is part of the trinity, which makes him God. Most importantly Jesus died as a loving act of God so that the penalty for our sins would be paid for. That is amazing! That is truly good news!!
So why aren't Christians, with eternally life saving news, going door to door asking people if they'd like to talk about who Jesus really is? The truth is so much better than the co-opted, humanized version that the Latter Day Saints are selling, but apparently there are other reasons for the lack of boldness of those who should be gleefully proclaiming the truth about Jesus.
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