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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Palin derangement syndrome - a sight to behold

I was 20 when Dan Quayle was introduced to the national stage. Immediately the main-stream press went after him. They called him a rich kid and a frat boy. Although being very intelligent he was not a great orator. This added to the fodder for late night comedians and perpetuated the myth that he was a dunce. Yes people on the left didn't like him him but it was at least relatively civil.

However this is 2008 and all sense of decency and objectivity has been cast to the wind with the introduction of Sarah Palin to the national stage. After hearing this woman speak for the first time I felt, as many did, the strong sense that she is a real person. She felt like a far cry from most politicians who are told what do say and what do think and what to wear and where/when to go potty. She is charismatic, likable, intelligent, well-spoken, compassionate, pragmatic and quite attractive.

Of course since her arrival, the vitrial from the left hasn't been well contained. The list of celebrities and public figures coming out opposing her isn't a surprise. The surprise is the level of discourse as they try to deal with her and who she is. Here is some of the brilliance spouted by our best and brightest:
  • Matt Damon, former talented newbie and now hollywood elitist snob, thought it would enhance his career to decided to be one of the first to go public to display his ignorance. He compared her rise to a "'really bad Disney movie' and said it's absurd that this woman could become President.
  • Lindsay Lohan, mentally unstable actress and noted lush (who now believes she is gay) called Sarah "narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe."
  • Pamela Anderson, dim bulb and rock star serial wife, said "I hate her, she can suck it".
  • Sandra Bernhard, lowlife commedianne, suggested that she be raped by black men if she comes to NY.
  • Non-political Oprah Winphrey refused to allow Sarah on her show as she openly stumps for Obama.
  • SNL does a skit insinuating that Todd Palin is having sex with his daughters.
  • Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings said about Sarah "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."
This has truly been a site to behold. Remember when you were in high school and there was this really popular girl. The girl was pretty, smart, nice to everyone, class president, honor society, volunteer at homeless shelter, prom queen, etc. Most people in your class liked her because she was genuinly likable and she never did anything to you to make you not like her... But you learned that there were kids in your class that didn't like her. They just did not like her. You chalked it up to jealousy. You knew the haters usually came from dysfunctional homes and had very low self-esteem. It all made sense.

Real life seems to be copying the caddy days of high school. Sarah Palin represents that super girl from high school and most people really like her. The more we get to know her the more we like her. However there are those who still hate her. Yes it appears irrational, not based on any facts and basically deranged.

The whole irony of hollywood's take on Sarah is they are making a tantamount admission that they hate their fans. Sarah is more of an everyday American as opposed to an elitist. Everyday Americans buy Hollywood's product but those in Hollywood dispise what she represents. It just doesn't make sense.

This is, however, fascinating to watch. The late Ronald Reagan reminded us that as a whole the American public knows the truth regardless of what is fed them by those who assume the mantle of America's elite.

God Bless America and His blessings to Sarah Palin.

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