But why did Ted push that law over 40 years ago? At the time immigrants needed a sponsor and they needed to have a job. He believed at the time that since whites were in the majority, they were only sponsoring other whites, which violated the ultimate sin, racism. Thus Ted removed that requirement and the floodgates opened to non-whites which is OK but it also opened the door to non-workers who began to come here for the welfare benefits.
The bigger question is 'why does Ted Kennedy have so much animus toward white people who speak English?' This has been a pattern throughout his tenure in the senate. Probably his second greatest passion next to abortion.
This bias toward people of his own race is really not that easy to understand. Ted was raised in privilege. He didn't have to earn anything growing up. His senate seat was won simply because he lived in MA and his last name is Kennedy. This has helped him get re-elected as well. This privileged life has fostered a lifetime of guilt. He is the most guilt-ridden white man in America. He medicates that guilt by making sure that other white men who speak English are no longer given any advantage. This could explain why he is so obsessed with giving amnesty to as many illegal, Spanish speaking people as possible. He actually believes that the millions of Hispanics will continue to vote for him and other white liberal Democrats for all eternity. However he is a naive man too. Once the Hispanics get the numbers they will only vote for other Hispanics. That is the way of the world for time in memorial. Voters that believe they are a discriminated minority vote for their own ethnicity regardless of the issues.
Maybe Ted will be replaced by a privileged Hispanic who hates his race....
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