Let's face it. Carol Shea-Porter is a jewel of colossal ignorance. She is ignorant of history, ignorant of human nature and farsightedly ignorant of our enemies. It is quite a tragedy how our dimmest bulbs end up in congress while our best and brightest avoid it all together.
The voters of NH made a huge mistake in November when they elected Ms. Shea-Porter. Perhaps too many NH voters are envious of the genius that is the Mass delegation and wanted to imitate their voting preferences. However the result of this is that we have elected someone who knows nothing of history. She is a Johnny-one-note. All she talks about is getting the troops out of Iraq In doing so she displays how little she knows about what we face. right away.
In an op-ed in the Union Leader, Ms. Shea-Porter first stated that "America has now been in Iraq longer than it was in World War II". What an insanely ignorant view of history. World War II was actually fought and not micro-managed. WW II ended because our enemy was destroyed and they surrendered. It was because of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and in a sense Dresden being leveled that forced our enemy to quit. It just happened to be four years after Pearl Harbor. In the meantime there were no guarantees that the US would prevail in either theater.
Today, America is so much stronger than anyone on the planet that we could level Iraq anytime we want to. But America is not going to do that. It would not be in our best interest to flatten Baghdad. We are also not fighting a clear enemy yet we are so strong that we can take some casualties while we rebuild a nation. This is unprecedented in human history. To compare the geo-politics of the 1940's to today, as if we had a choice as to when WW II would end, is clearly and blatantly showing Ms. Shea-Porter's ignorance of history.
As a matter of fact, WW II really hasn't ended. We still have a military presence in Germany and Japan to this very day. How come we didn't pull out of those countries in 1945, Ms. Shea-Porter???
Ms. Shea-Porter claims that President's pretext for going into Iraq (WMDs) was false. We know Iraq had WMDs because they used them in the Iran-Iraq war and against the Kurds. Also the regime had more than ample warning time to move the WMDs to Syria or another ally. These people are not stupid. If the police were coming to raid your stash of illegal items and told you when were coming, wouldn't you just move them out of where they were going to search? This is common sense. They knew we were coming and moved them out.
Ms. Shea-Porter continues her op-ed by showing her ignorance of human nature. Let's look at an Iraq pull out with common sense; The American troops are pulled out, even if the people of Iraq can't defend themselves. You will now have an oil rich nation with limited means of self-defense sitting next to a bitter enemy. It has already been revealed that the Iraq insurgency is actually mostly terrorists from Iran, Jordan and Syria crossing the border and committing the acts. The reason they are doing this is to break the will of the American people. They know that eventually our spineless politicians will come to value their jobs more than winning the war - can someone say Vietnam?
Nature abhors a vacuum and if we leave before the job is done, Iran or another one of our enemies will soon be running Iraq. Guess what the price of oil with be then, Ms. Shea-Porter?
We are fighting an enemy that has no respect for life, no standing army and no country. We invaded a country with an extremely dangerous dictator and have begun to establish a democracy in just a few years. With that, we have suffered only 3200 casualties in four years (I am not minimizing the loss of life, just putting it in historical perspective). This is amazing! Recall that we lost 19,000 troops in the Battle of the Bulge alone with almost 90,000 total casualties in that month long battle. Ms. Shea-Porter and the rest of her ilk need to read their history before making such nonchalant comparisons to WW II.
They also need to realize that any timetable put on Iraq will cause the insurgents to just wait for that timetable to pass. If we leave Iraq before it is stable then out enemies will just pour in and take over. This will be far more devastating to America's reputation, the world economy and freedom everywhere.
Voters of the first congressional district please make another change in 2008 and once again fill that seat with an intelligent, historically wise leader with common sense.
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