What if I told you that there was a treat that looked good and tasted yummy? However, this same treat could produce rage, temper tantrums, OCD, ODD, ADHD and uncontrollable crying in some children. But before you say you don't want any, let me tell you that I have another pill that will subdue your child and the symptoms of ADHD, OCD, etc will magically go away (at least temporarily)! Are you sold yet? Do you think I am nuts? Well, this is what we are doing to our children.
Have you ever heard of red dye #40 or simply known as red 40? It is coloring additive (or dye) was approved in 1971 based on tests conducted by Allied Chemicals. Ironically its creator and manufacturer is .... you guessed it, Allied Chemicals.
Red dye 40 is found almost everything that your kids eat. It appears that making things pretty colors makes kids want to eat them. I don't disagree with that. However in my research I found it in pop-tarts, fruit snacks, cereals, cough medicine, iced-tea, red candies, and so on.
Children are most often the ones who have sensitivity to red 40, whether or not their parents have realized it or not. Reactions include temper tantrums, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior, uncontrollable crying and screaming, kicking, nervousness, dizziness, inability to concentrate and sit still among other findings. Physically you may get frequent headaches or migraines, upset stomach and feel ill after ingesting this additive. Often when Red 40 is eliminated from the child's diet a remarkable change is noticed immediately. 1
Though evidence is anecdotal, there is such an abundance of it that it warrants a serious and impartial look by the FDA. The red dye was not in our food supply until the 1980 and isn't it ironic that diagnoses of ADHD gone up 600% since 1990? The quick fix for doctors and parents has been to feed our children Ritalin.
Let's step back... If you read my blog you will see that I am conservative as the next guy but I wonder about this whole concept of feed them one thing that makes they wild then feed them another thing that calms them down. How about just not feeding them that which makes them wild in the first place??? But if we did that then Honeywell (who owns the patent to red 40) and Novartis Pharmaceuticals (manufacturer of Ritalin) would have fewer customers. Think about it.
I am not saying that there is a conspiracy with these corporations. I am just observing an irony and stating that there is really no incentive for anyone to remove red 40 from foods
We as parents are obligated to learn more about what we are feeding our kids and where it comes from. Our son has a severe allergy to red 40 which makes him a raging madman. Eliminating it from his diet has made him the compassionate, loving boy he really is. Ironically he looked like the perfect candidate for Ritalin. Praise God that my wife dove deeper and learned more and then encouraged me to research this red dye stuff for myself.
1. Taken from: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/131963/is_the_red_40_food_dye_additive_having.html
My favorite blog entry on this topic: http://fourtimesthefun.blogspot.com/2007/02/feeding-our-children-petroleum-food-dye.html
Note: The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services provided by medical professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking any prescription or over the counter drugs or following any treatment or regiment. Only your doctor can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for you. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Web.