Under the auspices of making the bad people think that we are not meanies.
Well Mr. Obama has been in office less than 48 hours and he has quickly handed the terrorists 2 early victories.
Victory #1:
Gitmo war crimes court halted at Obama request
By BEN FOX, Associated Press Writer Ben Fox, Associated Press Writer – Wed Jan 21, 5:18 pm ETGUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba – The Guantanamo Bay war crimes court came to an abrupt halt Wednesday as military judges granted President Barack Obama's request to suspend proceedings while he reviews his predecessor's strategy for prosecuting terrorists.
The judges quickly agreed to a 120-day suspension of the cases of a Canadian accused of killing an American soldier in Afghanistan and five men charged in the Sept. 11 attacks. Similar orders are expected in other pending cases pending before the Guantanamo military commissions.
Full article
Put yourself in the mind of a terrorist. How would this make you feel? Would it bring you comfort or put fear in you? I guess Obama and his ilk believe that this sign of good will would have a positive affect on those who hate us anyway. Obama believes that if the terrorists believe they have someone in the white house that will be fair to them then they will be less likely to attack the country while he is in office. That is the naivate of this man and liberals in general. The terrorists hate free Judeo Christian nations and want us dead unless we convert to islam. What is so difficult to understand.
Victory #2:
Obama to close terror war black sites
Orders limit interrogations
Sara A. Carter and Eli Lake THE WASHINGTON TIMES
Thursday, January 22, 2009
President Obama on Thursday will order the closure of so-called black sites, where CIA and European security services have interrogated terrorist suspects, under executive orders dismantling much of the Bush administration's architecture for the war on terror, according to four individuals familiar with a draft executive order.
Mr. Obama will shutter "all permanent detention facilities overseas," the draft said, according to the individuals, who asked not to be named because the orders had not been signed. There are at least eight such prisons, according to published reports. The Bush administration never revealed the number or locations of the facilities, although several were said to be in Eastern Europe.
Full articleOh my. Our enemy only understands and only respects the use of force. This is a huge victory for them. They have to feel re-energized. No question about it. Knowing that they will not be tortured into giving up plots against the U.S. has to be incredibly encouraging to them.
Up next on the Obama agenda is government takeover of the banking and health care systems, implementation of the "fairness doctrine" to make it difficult for dissenting voices to be heard, open the borders so un-assimilated anti-Americans can vote for Democrats ad infinitem, etc, etc...
While Obama is closing ... he is keeping open the so called "warrentless wiretaps", etc... So he is retaining powers that can be used against U. S. citizens.
God save our beloved republic.