One of the mantras that we have heard for years that Obama repeats is that we have suffered in the eyes of the world. We have suffered in the eyes of the thugs and dictators that run the U.N., not the people of the world. If we are such a bad place to be why are we talking about building a fence to keep people out? Thugs and dictators do not like a free populace. What has been America for the last 200 years has never occurred in the history of civilization. Do you understand that? No society has ever been governed by its free people. NONE. Today, the countries that hate us are governed by people with absolute power over all of the affairs of the nation. So why are liberals like Obama so obsessed with getting the approval of these people?
Liberals do not like when a central authority is not in charge. They believe that power should be in the hands of the few who know better than the rest of us. Why do you think the most die-in-the-wool liberals are so envious of Castro?
Something else that Obama has said in the campaign trail is that Bush's tax cuts "for the wealthy" have wrecked the economy. The economy is in a slowdown right now. These things happen. The economy is cyclical. This current slowdown is primarily due to lousy legislation which forced lenders to loan money to people with poor credit. Yes you read that right. Our great congresspeople, in an compassionate attempt to continue paving the road to hell found it necessary to force lenders (the awful rich whose money the libs want) to not refuse loans to people with bad credit if they had a certain a certain skin color. Lo and behold the people with bad credit can't afford the loans so they are defaulting at record numbers. Now congress wants to blame and punish the lenders. Well, this is affecting the economy negatively. Thank you Ms. Pelosi.
I heard an Obama supporter on a talk show yesterday say that Obama will bring the price of gas back down below $3. When the host pressed him on how he was going to do that the caller changed the topic. This showed me the ignorance of economic issues that his supporters have. The price of gasoline is affected by several dynamics in the world today. First, demand for gas has skyrocketed with the increase demands from China, India and other large countries. Second, supply in the U.S. has been hamstrung by the environmentalists. Politicians will not drill in Alaska. They will not build new refineries. They will not explore for oil in the Gulf of Mexico (though Mexico is). Why?? They are afraid to upset the environmentalists. So with demand in the world up and supply not being allowed to increase, economics 101 tells us the price will go up.
Of course this explanation would never come from politician because their supports eyes would glaze over once the words supply and demand were mentioned.
Mr. Obama's lack of hands on understanding foreign policy will have a serious affect on our war on terrorism. We are fighting people who hate the concept of a free nation. They hate the concept of a christian nation. They are bad people. They have stated that they want to kill us. So why would people like Obama and his ilk not believe that. Why do they think that if we just talk to our enemies and get them to like us we will prevail. Ironically they will be embolden to fight harder and take bolder steps against us. Because unlike our liberals, the enemy knows when it smells blood and will step up its fight.
Lastly there are millions of people who will vote for Obama because of a "chance to make history" or to "alleviate white guilt" or to "right the wrongs of the past" of "because of the novelty". These are not reasons to vote for anyone.
Voting in anyone with no record, no understanding of economics, a pension for wanting to understand those who want to kill us, but who is a phenomenal orator is a recipe for unmitigated disaster.