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Monday, July 30, 2007

Populists and the simpletons they excite

The following is an excerpt from an article in the Manchester Union Leader that I just read. John Edwards gave a speech at an apple orchard owned by a whackjob liberal in Londonderry, NH:

"On his first day as President, Edwards said, he would close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and end any forms of domestic spying programs. Also, as soon as elected, he would draw down 50,000 combat troops from Iraq, with the others following in nine to 12 months. He also said his promise of health care for every citizen would be funded through re-establishing taxes on wealthy individuals that were cut during the current Bush administration.

Andy Mack Sr., who runs the farm, said he was impressed but not persuaded. He said he was still "conflicted" between Edwards and Obama, but would be paying attention right up to the primary.

Bill Steward, an independent voter from Derry, said he also remained undecided."

Edwards and his mantra of populism is totally void of common sense. And then to read Londonderry's resident dunce, Andy Mack, say he was impressed makes my head spin.
Do people who like to hear populist speeches just live in a fantasy world of what they wish the world were like? They obviously don't like truth and they have no concept of "consequences of actions". Everything this article quoted Edwards as saying he would do would have horrendous effects on our nation, our world, our economy and our way of life but hey! they sound great to those with their heads in the sand.

1. Git'mo and the domestic spying program are essential to root out terrorists on our soil. Ending them would empower the enemy.

2. Getting troops out of Iraq before they can defend themselves would ignite a genocidal bloodbath and virtually be giving their oil fields to our enemies. Not good for our economy.

3. Raising taxes on the rich to pay for healthcare for all. Where do I start??? The lowering of taxes on EVERYONE has given us the roaring economy that we now have. Reversing that will reverse our economic fortunes. And by the way, everyone on the planet has access to our healthcare system because there is a law that emergency rooms cannot turn anyone away, including non-citizens. How's that been for the health care industry in the southwest? Bad laws and regulations have hurt the healthcare system not any lack of accessability.

Liars continue to speak populist dogma and useful idiots line up to devour it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Senseless murder - all dreams revoked...

The murders in Cheshire, CT this week have had a profound impact on me. What sense can be made?

You're sleeping in your home. Hours earlier you kissed your daughters goodnight as well as your wife. At 3 am, two scumbags break into your home and the next day you are in the hospital, your house is burned down, your wife has been strangled to death and your daughters have died of smoke inhalation. Yet the two scumbags are alive and sitting in a jail cell. You worked hard to get a medical degree. You have created a stable, two-parent home for your two girls. One of your girls just graduated from high school the month before and she was slated to go to your alma-mater next month. This was the last full month with your oldest before she was to go off to college. This made you melancholy but you were still excited for her. You and your wife adored your daughters.

At 3 AM you were in a deep sleep, planning to get up to go to work and meet with your patients. Now your wife and daughters are dead and your home burned. You are sitting in a hospital bed recovering from serious injuries you sustained from a beating. What do you do now?

I look at the picture above and see your arms around your daughters and the love you have for your daughters. I see the hope for their futures. I see the dream of dancing at their weddings with both of them. I see the joy of seeing your oldest graduate from your alma-mater. You are proud of your oldest daughter's tireless fundraising for multiple sclerosis. You dream of your daughter's kids calling you grampa. What do you do now?

When you finally go back to work what is your first thought when you see your pictures on your desk? The awkwardness that your patients feel - suddenly their issues are not as big. At the end of your day what do you look forward to doing? Where do you look forward to going? What do you do now?

Do you kill yourself? Do you live day to day until the pain wanes enough for you to actually live another day? Does God immediately put people in your life to sustain you? Will there actually come a day when this tragedy actually brings something positive in your life. I don't see how, especially now. Maybe we will know in 20 years, when you should be retired, enjoying your grandchildren. What do you do now?

"Now" is just a 24/7 emotional pain beyond anything any one man should be dealt.

I am praying for you sir.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Letter to my failing U.S. Senator

Senator Gregg,

You are seeking to become a political dog over what is right for our nation. Your inability to see long term beneficial action that requires patience, while instead placing more importance on pandering to liberals for fear of losing your job has forced me to withdraw what remaining respect I had for you.

"Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire told the same newspaper that efforts to quell the violence in Iraq by increasing US troop numbers “don’t seem to be making a lot of progress” and called for “a clear blueprint” to end the war."

You are a historical DUNCE. There is never a clear blueprint to end a war. WWII ended when we destroyed Japan and Germany. In this war we are not destroying any nations, we are trying to rebuild one. This takes time and patience. You are more concerned about keeping your rear end in Washington than doing what is right for our nation. WHY are you trying to
become more like Kennedy and Kerry??? WHY???? You are not going to get more votes. Trust me,. you will lose more votes than you will get. You are just trying to keep your job and you think that talking like the democrats will ensure that. You FOOL. You damned fool. You are a damned fool, Senator Gregg - totally isolated from the real world in your senate
chamber. Thank you for beginning to sell out. Ted Kennedy will be happy until he has you replaced!!!!

WRKO on suicide mission in attempt to self-satisfy

I have listened to WRKO since the late '80s. In the past year or two I have seen one foolish decision after another by WRKO. I get the sense that the people running Entercom are not happy with the fact that they need wall to wall center/right-of-center personalities to have a successful station. So damn the customers!

Let's grab the Red Sox and Celtics to we won't have to play Michael Savage every night.

Next, let's dump Scotto and put in a corrupt, liberal politician with no talk radio background. Great Idea!! Damn the customers, we need balance at all costs.

Now it's time to mess with the man who carries the station and allows the fools at Entercom to have nice weekly paychecks. Let's play games with Howie. BITE!

Entercom's non-customer focus is finally about to kill them. The good news for the fools running Entercom is that they can sleep better knowing they are not putting on wall to wall moderates/conservatives on their station any longer. To hell with the customers!

I am a talk radio consumer. I have not listened to WRKO in the morning since Scotto left. I guess I will soon not be listening to WRKO in the afternoon. Better keep my iPod charged for the drive home, come October.

We miss you Scotto. God bless.