The following is an excerpt from an article in the Manchester Union Leader that I just read. John Edwards gave a speech at an apple orchard owned by a whackjob liberal in Londonderry, NH:
"On his first day as President, Edwards said, he would close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and end any forms of domestic spying programs. Also, as soon as elected, he would draw down 50,000 combat troops from Iraq, with the others following in nine to 12 months. He also said his promise of health care for every citizen would be funded through re-establishing taxes on wealthy individuals that were cut during the current Bush administration.
Andy Mack Sr., who runs the farm, said he was impressed but not persuaded. He said he was still "conflicted" between Edwards and Obama, but would be paying attention right up to the primary.
Bill Steward, an independent voter from Derry, said he also remained undecided."
Edwards and his mantra of populism is totally void of common sense. And then to read Londonderry's resident dunce, Andy Mack, say he was impressed makes my head spin.
Do people who like to hear populist speeches just live in a fantasy world of what they wish the world were like? They obviously don't like truth and they have no concept of "consequences of actions". Everything this article quoted Edwards as saying he would do would have horrendous effects on our nation, our world, our economy and our way of life but hey! they sound great to those with their heads in the sand.
1. Git'mo and the domestic spying program are essential to root out terrorists on our soil. Ending them would empower the enemy.
2. Getting troops out of Iraq before they can defend themselves would ignite a genocidal bloodbath and virtually be giving their oil fields to our enemies. Not good for our economy.
3. Raising taxes on the rich to pay for healthcare for all. Where do I start??? The lowering of taxes on EVERYONE has given us the roaring economy that we now have. Reversing that will reverse our economic fortunes. And by the way, everyone on the planet has access to our healthcare system because there is a law that emergency rooms cannot turn anyone away, including non-citizens. How's that been for the health care industry in the southwest? Bad laws and regulations have hurt the healthcare system not any lack of accessability.
Liars continue to speak populist dogma and useful idiots line up to devour it.