During my commute to and from work I like to read bumper stickers and then get a look at the driver. Just some social/idealogical experimentations I like to do. For instance usually when I see pro union bumper stickers, it is usually on an american build truck or a severely beat up american car.
While driving in to work this morning I read the following bumper sticker: "Another Man Against - Violence Against Women". I said ok that is a good one but my first thought was 'what is the point'. Does he get brownie points from his feminist wife for having it on his pickup? How many people on the commute this morning are NOT against violence against women? I am not minimizing that there is violence against women and children where I live and where I drive to work. But I wasn't sure about his point. Was he hoping that someone who beat their girlfriend would read it and change his ways? Perhaps that is the point.
As I drove pass him I noticed he was a stereotypical tree hugging type with full beard and wimpy demeanor. I am going to go out on a limb but usually men who would have that on their truck are typically liberals or spineless moderates. Liberals are overwhelmingly pro-abortion. However I seriously doubt this lib would put "Another Man Against - Killing Unborn Babies".
Also I should point out that liberals in the climate of 2007 hate George W. Bush more than anything or anyone. They hate him more than they hate the terrorists around the world that hate us.
OK, try to follow my thinking. The most staunch liberals will do anything to promote civil rights and promote multiculturalism. Libs are also quite hostile to Christianity. They seem to be less offended by Islam than Christianity. This makes no sense to me but that is a blog for another day. Let's make note as to how the Taliban - who proclaimed to have sought an islamic utopia - treated women. Women covered from head to toe; women beaten in public; women basically property of their husbands. How is that not violence against women? Ironically liberals find it more offensive to restrict an american woman's access to abortion than a woman being stoned in Iran for adultery. How about this bumper sticker: "Another Man Against - State Sactioned Violence Against Women in Non-Christian Nations"? You may say who would be against that. Well you need to go on the internet and do some reading on how women have been treated throughout world history in non-Christian nations. I better get a bigger bumper.